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陈重阳,博士,副教授,浙江财经大学工商管理学院市场营销系。2017年获得中国科学技术大学工商管理专业博士学位,2018年获得香港城市大学资讯系统系博士学位。主要研究方向是信息系统行为学,现阶段主要关注元宇宙、科技负面效应、智能健康管理等。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金重大项目和一般项目,浙江省社科项目,并参与国家自然科学基金面上项目若干。在Journal of the Association for Information Systems、Information Systems Journal、Information & Management等信息系统权威核心期刊发表论文二十余篇。受邀担任学术期刊Internet Research和International Journal of Information Management编委,亚太地区信息系统会议Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2022)领域副编辑。为Information Systems Journal、Information & Management、International Journal of Information Management、Information Technology & People等国际知名期刊担任匿名审稿人,并评为Internet Research等期刊最佳审稿人。在教书育人方面培养多名硕士研究生,为诸多本科生和研究生指导毕业论文,同时在“苏州大学第十七届青年教师课堂教学竞赛”中荣获三等奖。2017年入选苏州大学“优秀青年学者”,2018年入选江苏省“高层次创新创业人才引进计划(双创博士)”,2020年入选江苏省“紫金文化人才培养工程(社科优青)”、2022年入选浙江省人才项目。


[1]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang, Xiang Gong*, Matthew K.O. Lee, Yaoyu Wang, Preventing relapse to information technology addiction through weakening reinforcement: A self-regulation perspective,Information & Management, 2021, Accepted.

[2]Chongyang Chen*, Kem Z.K. Zhang, Xiang Gong, Matthew K.O. Lee, Yaoyu Wang,Decreasing the problematic use of an information system: An empirical investigation of smartphone game players,Information Systems Journal, 2020, 30(3): 492-534.

[3]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang*, Xiang Gong, Matthew K.O. Lee, Failure to decrease the addictive usage of information technologies: A theoretical model and empirical examination of smartphone game users,Computers in Human Behavior, 2019, 92: 256-265.

[4]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang*, Xiang Gong, Sesia J. Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, LiangLiang, Examining the effects of motives and gender differences on smartphone addiction,Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, 75, 891-902.

[5]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang*, Xiang Gong, Sesia J. Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, LiangLiang, Understanding compulsive smartphone use: An empirical test of a flow-based model,International Journal of Information Management, 2017, 37 (5):438-454.

[6]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang*, Xiang Gong, Matthew K.O. Lee, Dual mechanisms of reinforcement reward and habit in driving smartphone addiction,Internet Research, 2019, 29:1551-1570.

[7]Xiang Gong, Christy Cheung, Kem Z.K. Zhang*,Chongyang Chen, Matthew K.O. Lee, A dual-identity perspective of obsessive online social gaming,Journal of the Association forInformation Systems,2021, Accepted.

[8]Xiang Gong, Kem Z.K. Zhang,Chongyang Chen, Christy Cheung, Matthew K.O. Lee, What Drives Trust Transfer from Web to Mobile Payment Services? The Dual Effects of Perceived Entitativity,Information and Management, 2020, 57(7):103-114

[9]Xiang Gong, Kem Z.K. Zhang*,Chongyang Chen, Christy M.K. Cheung, Matthew K.O. Lee, Antecedents and consequences of excessive online social gaming: A social learning perspective,Information Technology & People,2020, 33(2): 657-688

[10]Xiang Gong*, Kem Z.K. Zhang,Chongyang Chen, Christy Cheung, Matthew K.O. Lee, What drives self-disclosure in mobile payment applications? The effect of privacy assurance approaches, network externality, and technology complementarity,Information Technology & People,2019, 33(4):1174-1213.

[11]Xiang Gong, Kem Z.K. Zhang*,Chongyang Chen, Christy M.K. Cheung, Matthew K.O. Lee, Transition from Web to Mobile Payment Services: The Triple Effects of Status Quo Inertia,International Journal of Information Management,2020, 50: 310-324.

[12]Xiang Gong*, Christy Cheung, Kem Z.K. Zhang,Chongyang Chen,Matthew K.O. Lee, Cross-side network effects, brand equity, and consumer loyalty: Evidence from mobile payment market,International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2020, 24(3): 279-304.

[13]Xiang Gong, Kem Z.K. Zhang*, Christy Cheung,Chongyang Chen, Matthew K.O. Lee, Alone or together? Exploring the role of desire for online group gaming in players’social game addiction,Information & Management, 2019, 56(6):103–139.

[14]Xiang Gong, Kem Z.K. Zhang*,Chongyang Chen, Sesia J. Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, Category-Based or Piecemeal-Based Processing? A Dual Model of Web-Mobile Service Extension Behavior,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, 119(5): 993–1014.

[15]Kem Z.K. Zhang, Xiang Gong*,Chongyang Chen, Jing Zhao, Lee, Matthew K.O. Lee, Spillover Effects from Web to Mobile Payment Services: The Role of Relevant Schema and Schematic Fit,Internet Research, 2019, 29(6): 1213–1232.

[16]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang, Jing Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, Tianjjiao Cong, The Impactof Mere Exposure Effect on Smartphone Addiction, InProceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016, Hawaii.

[17]Chongyang Chen, Kem Z.K. Zhang, Jing Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, Examining the effects of perceived enjoyment and habit on smartphone addiction: the role of user type, InProceedings of International Conference on E-Technologies, 2015, Montréal.

[18]Kem Z.K. Zhang,Chongyang Chen,Jing Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, Failure to decrease the addictive use of information systems: An empirical investigation of smartphone game addiction, InProceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information,2016 Chiayi,Taiwan.

[19]Kem Z.K. Zhang,Chongyang Chen, Jing Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, Understanding the role of otives in smartphone addiction,InProceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2014, Cheng Du.

[20]Kem Z.K. Zhang,Chongyang Chen, Jing Zhao, Matthew K.O. Lee, Compulsive Smartphone use: The Roles of Flow, Reinforcement Motives, and Convenience, InProceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems, 2014, Auckland.


1.主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目:通过抑制“强化机理”以防止手机游戏上瘾复发的研究(NSFC 71801166)




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