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Dai Weiqi

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Dr. Weiqi Dai

Professor / Ph.D Advisor

School of Business Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

18 Xueyuan Street, Xiasha, Hangzhou, 310018, Zhejiang, China

Cell phone: +86 571 13805743855 / dwq@zufe.edu.cn


Dr. Dai is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the School of Business Administration in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (ZUFE). He received his Ph.D from the School of Management, Zhejiang University. His research interests includestrategy, entrepreneurship and international business. He has published well over 70 papers in scholarly journals in both English and Chinese. His works appear in such journals as theJournal of Business Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economics, Management World (in Chinese), among others.


● 2007-2011 School of Management, Zhejiang University Ph.D

● 2000-2003 School of Management, Zhejiang University MS.

● 1996-2000 School of Management, Sun Yat-Sen University BA.


● January 2019-

Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

● September 2013-December 2018

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

● June 2011-August 2013

Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

● March 2003-August 2007

Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Zhejiang University City College


Corporate entrepreneurship, strategic entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, strategy of private firms in emerging economies, and institution-based view


Entrepreneurship, strategic management, global business, international management, technological innovation


● National Natural Science Foundation General Research Project: Why is it unstoppable? Explicating the enduring corporate entrepreneurship from the perspective of strategic reference point theory

● National Natural Science Foundation Research Project for Young Scholars: Industrial Network Embeddedness, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Clustered Firm's Upgrading


● Dai, W., Liao, M, Arndt, F. 2018. Hear it straight from the horse’s mouth: Entrepreneurs and government policies.Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. (SSCI) (Accepted, forthcoming).

● Dai, W., Si, S. 2018. Government Policies and Firms' Entrepreneurial Orientation: Strategic Choice and Institutional Lenses.Journal of Business Research. (DOI:10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.08.026) (SSCI) (Online First).

● Dai, W., Liao, M. 2018. Entrepreneurial attention to deregulations and reinvestments by private firms: Evidence from China.Asia Pacific Journal of Management.(DOI: 10.1007/s10490-018-9574-z) (SSCI) (Online First,https://rdcu.be/NVg7).

● Dai, W., Liu, Y., Liao, M., & Lin, Q. 2017. How does entrepreneurs’ socialist imprinting shape their opportunity selection in transition economies? Evidence from China’s privately owned enterprises. International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal(DOI: 10.1007/s11365-017-0485-0) (SSCI) (Online First).

● Dai, W., Mao, Z., Zhao, X., & Mattila, A. S. 2015. How does social capital influence the hospitality firm's financial performance? The moderating role of entrepreneurial activities.International Journal of Hospitality Management(SSCI), 51: 42-55.

● Dai, W., Liu, Y. 2015. Local vs. non-local institutional embeddedness, corporate entrepreneurship, and firm performance in a transitional economy.Asian Journal of Technology Innovation(SSCI), 23(2): 255-270.

● Dai, W., Alon, I., & Jiao, H. 2015. Financial marketization and corporate venturing in China.Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies(formerly known as Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship), 7(1): 2-22.

● Dai, W., Kittilaksanawong, W. 2014. How are different slack resources translated into firm growth? Evidence from China.International Business Research, 7(2): 1-12.


● Kittilaksanawong, W., Dai, W.. 2016. Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Africa: Political Economy, Aid, and Bargaining Power. In M. Mustafa Erdoğdu and Bryan Christiansen (Ed.), Comparative Political and Economic Perspectives on the MENA Region. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).

● Kittilaksanawong, W., Dai, W.. 2014. Globalization of Latecomer Asian Multinationals and Theory of Multinational Enterprise. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities. Hershey PA: Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).


● Dai, W.. How do MNE subsidiaries benefit from helping and learning from their peers? Paper presented at the 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atalanta, Georgia.

● Dai, W.. How Does Entrepreneurs’ Socialist Imprinting Shape Their Opportunity Selection. Paper presented at the 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.

● Dai, W.. How do MNE subsidiaries benefit from helping and learning from their peers? Paper presented at the 2017 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Dubai, UAE. July 2-5, 2017.

● Dai, W., Wei, J., Liu, Y., Arndt, F. 2014. Financial Marketization and Corporate Venturing, Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Sydney Special Conference. Sydney, Australia.

● Dai, W., Kittilaksanawong, W. 2014. Institutional Network Embeddedness and Dynamic Capability of Cluster Firms in Transition Economies,Paper presented at the 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

● Dai, W., Kittilaksanawong, W. 2012. How do Different Slack Resources Drive the Growth of Transitioning Economy Firms? Paper presented at the 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

● Dai, W., Kittilaksanawong, W. 2012. Slack Resources, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Growth of Transition Economy Firms. Paper presented at the Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference. Xiamen, China.


Expert for the Degree Evaluation Center of China Ministry of Education

Editorial board member: Collected Essays on Finance and Economics (in Chinese)

Ad hocreviewer for academic journals:International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Management and Organization, Chinese Management Studies, Thunderbird International Business Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Management world (in Chinese), etc.

Ad hocreviewer for academic conference papers: 2018 AOM Annual Meeting; 2017 AOM Annual Meeting; 2017 AIB Dubai Annual Meeting; 2016 IACMR Annual Meeting; 2014 IACMR Annual Meeting; 2014 SMS Special Conference "Strategic Management in the Asian Century –Dealing with Dynamism, Diversity and Development" December 6-8, 2014; 2014 AIB Vancouver Annual Meeting Ad hoc reviewer

Last Update February 22, 2019

[1]Only Papers written in English are included.

[2]Only book chapters written in English are included.

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