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Bao Xing

2018年11月16日 16:15  点击:[]



Room 5201, ZUFE, 18 Xueyuan Rd, Xiasha District,  Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310000

Date of birth 1981/10/26

Mobile Phone:


Email:  goldbxing@zufe.edu.cn





Current Positions:



Associate  Professor, College of Business Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance  and Economics, Hangzhou, China

Research Interests

Operation Management (Recently focus on  the decision behavior in disruption management)

Supply Chain Management (Recently focus  on the case study & practice application in China)

Optimal Optimization & Intelligence  Algorithm (Recently focus on the algorithm trading)

Education Background


Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University



Signal Process Engineering, Harbin  Institute of Technology



Electronic & Information Engineering,  Harbin Institute of Technology


Working Experience

Associate  Professor

Management of Business Administration, Zhejiang Institute of Administration, 2013-Present.

He gives more than 5 lectures on Business  Model & Operation Innovation, Business Process Diagnoses & Optimization,  Business & Management Innovation under Big Data, et al.

He is one of three founders of Research Center of Private Economy(RCPE), a think tank of Zhejiang Government.

Associate Professor

School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University,  2010-2013


School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University,  2011-2012


School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University, 2009-2011

He gives the fundamental of Operation  Management, Supply Chain Management, Optimal Optimization, Application of  Intelligence Algorithm for MBA, graduate/undergraduate students


Research Funds(since 2008)

1.          Research on the influence of manager’s bounded  rational decision behavior towards the disruption management: Models and  experiments. National Science Foundation of China(NSFC 71302033), 2014-2016, CNY  225,000

2.          Research on the manager’s decision behavior  for an electrical corporation. Zhejiang Humanity and Social Science Program(13ZJQN048YB), 2013-2015, CNY 40,000

3.          Optimization techniques for large-scale  operation system in disruption management. Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province(NSFZ, LQ12G01004), 2012-2014, CNY 50,000

4.          Research on the regulatory mechanism for  electrical operation system. Post-doctor Foundations of China (PFC, 2011332612002), 2011-2013, CNY 40,000

5.          Research on the structure flexibility of  large-scale operation system under disruption scenario. National Ministry of  Humanities and Social Science of China(NMHSSF, 10YJC630004).2010-2013 CNY 60,000

6.          Supply Chain Quality Management in Competitive  Environment. National Science Foundation of China(NSFC 71302033), 2010-2012, CNY  140,000

7.          Disruption management and robust planning in  supply chains, Chinese National Science Foundation (NSFC70732003), CNY 980,000,  2008-2011, key researcher

Some other 4 research funds are  omitted before 2008


Selected Articles in English (since  2008)

1.          Bao, X. Research on  Overconfidence in Decision-Making for the Capacity Recovery of Damaged Power  Systems[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/527598  (SCI index)

2.          Bao X. A dual capacity  sourcing model of disruption management for an injured power system [J].  Computer Modeling & New Technologies, 2014 18(3) 231-236(EI index)

3.          Liu, W-H, Liu, C-L; Xu, X-C; Bao, X.An Order  Allocation Model in Multi-period Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on  Cumulative Prospect Theory and Capacity Matching Constraint[J]. International  Journal of Production Research, 2014,  DOI:10.1080/00207543.2014.904968(SCI index)

4.          Bao, X., Tang, O., Ji, J-H. Applying the  minimum relative entropy method for bimodal distribution in a remanufacturing  system[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2008,  113(2): 967-979 (SCI index)

5.          Sun, Q., Ji, J-H., Bao,  X., Liu. D-H. A Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Programming Model for the  Newsvendor Problem[J]. Information, 2011, 14(6): 1895~1901(SCI index)

6.          Bao, X., Xiao, D. Multi-Periods Disruption  Management for a Capacity Injured System[C]. Proceedings of 2010  International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 2010 (EI index)

7.          Bao, X., Xiao, D. Capacity Disruption  Management for Complicated Operation System[C]. International Conference  on Management and Service Science, 2010 (EI  index)


Selected Articles in Chinese (since  2008)

1.          Bao, X., Lu,Q-H, Niu B-Z. Disruption management  of two-types operation systems with supervision penalty[J]. Control and  Decision, forthcoming (Control and Decision is one of top journals of  Management Science in China, EI index)

2.          Bao, X. Investment Model of Capacity Structure  with the Consideration of a Sudden Disturbed Demand and a Loss-Aversion  Manager[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, forthcoming (Chinese  Journal of Management Science is one of the top journals of Management  Science in China, this paper gets the best-paper award of Chinese society of  optimizations in 2014)

3.          Zhang L-H, Bao, X., Yang, H-X. Research on the  tag cost thresholds and coordination of supply chain with RFID [J]. Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, forthcoming (SETP is one  of top journals of Management Science in China, EI index)

4.          Lu, Q-H, Zeng, L-F, Bao, X. Supply chain  financing with purchase-order based on stackelberg game[J]. Control and  Decision, 2014, 29(10):1907-1913 (C&D is one of top journals of  Management Science in China, EI index)

5.          Bao,X. Can disruption cost be greatly cut down  via capacity-sharing? A model research based on two kinds of capacity trading  mode[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2012,20(1): 123-128  (CJMS  is one of the top journals of Management Science in China)

6.          Bao X. Sun, Q. The influence of manager’s risk  attitude to procurement decision when system’s capacity was partially  injured[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2012,20(2): 87-91  (CJMS  is one of the top journals of Management Science in China, this paper gets the best-paper award of Chinese society of optimizations in 2012)

7.          Xiao, D., Yuan, J., Bao X. Supply Chain  Coordination Strategy Considering Dual Competition from Price and Quality[J].  Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2013, 22(4):76-84.

8.          Bao, X. Disrupting capacity management model  of production operation system by including decision-maker’s risk attitude  factor[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering /Engineering Management,  2011, 25(3): 37:42 (JIE/EM is one of the top journals of Management  Science in China)

9.          Bao, X. Capacity management model of  production operation system after the disruption [J]. Journal of  Industrial Engineering /Engineering Management, 2010,24(1): 45-50 (JIE/EM  is one of the top journals of Management Science in China)

10.      Bao,X., Zheng, Z-L, Ji,J-H. Analytical  framework of operation system’s capacity management after disruption [J]. Soft  Science, 2009, 23(5): 31-36

11.      Bao, X. Ji, J-H, Shao, X-F, Wang, Z. Capacity  management of service operation system under two supply modes after  disruption [J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2009,9:  1383-1387 (EI index)

12.      Bao, X., Ji, J-H. Disrupting capacity  management of service operation system under decision-makers’ risk attitude  [J]. Journal System & Management, 2009, 5: 555-561

13.      Bao, X., Ji, J-H, Shao, X-F., et al. Capacity procurement  and recovery model of service operation system during the disruption[J].  Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2008, 16(5): 64-71 (CJMS is one  of the top journals of Management Science in China)

Some other 8 papers are omitted before  2008


Working paper

1.          Bao, X. Politician or  Doer? The effect on decision bias when manager seek reputation and status.

2.          Bao, X. Capacity structure  investment of a power system when considering demand Fluctuation and loss aversion

3.          Bao, X. Disruption  decision bias when manager is ambiguity-averse.

4.          Xiao, D., Yuan J.X., Bao, X., Supply Chain  Risk Control Mechanism Based on Residual Control Rights Analysis under  Uncertain Environment.

5.          Xiao, D., Lu Q.H., Bao, X., Quality Control in  Supply Chain Considering Loss Aversion.


Book publications in Chinese

1.          Bao, X. Research on the  risk control and evaluation of supply chain finance (completed/ under review)

2.          Bao, X. Disruption  management: Framework & mathematic models for large scale operation  systems [M]. Zhejiang Gongshang University Press, 2014. ISBN:978-7-81140-723-5

3.          Ji, J-H., Bao, X., Sun, Q.  Supply chain disruption management: Mechanism & evaluations[M]. Science  Press, 2014. ISBN:978-7-03036-439-5

4.          Bao, X., Xiao, D. Supply chain management:  theory & practice [M]. China Machine Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-7-11133-657-0.  (one of best textbooks in supply chain management,  circulation of  over 5,000)


Honors & Awards

1.         Best Research Paper  Award, Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning, and Economical  Mathematics, 2014

2.         Best Research Paper  Award, Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning, and Economical  Mathematics, 2011

3.          Awarded as the “Zhijiang Young Scholar of  Social Science”,2012

4.          Excellent Graduate of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2009

5.          First Class Award of ‘Mulan. Zhuzhao’  Research. 2009

6.          Excellent Graduate of Technology and Industry  for National Defense of China, 2005

7.          Excellent Graduate of Harbin Institute of  Technology, 2005


Qualifications for Research

1.          Proficiency in research methods, including optimization theory, game theory, mathematical  modeling, et al

2.          Proficiency in programming, including Matlab, C (with the coding experience of over 500,000  lines and several software designs)

3.          Experienced in giving consults for cooperations


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