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WANG Yuemei

2016年11月02日 12:43  点击:[]

Dr. Wang Yuemei, Female, Professor.

The Vice President of Dong Fang College, Zhejiang University of Finance &economics.

PhD , the College of Economics, Zhejiang University.

Academic visitor, Department of Land Economy,

University of Cambridge, Sponsored by the State Foundation ( China Scholarship Council). (05/2014-05/2015). U.K.

Short-Term visitor, College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo,

(07/2012). U.S.A.

Research direction

Marketing(Service Marketing), labor market and public administration.



1.      Rural Labor 0utflow, Regional Disparity and Food Production, Management World.2013(11).

2.      Service Marketing, Zhejiang  University Press, 2011(12).

3.      Labor Migration, Regional Disparity and Food Production in China , The 4th

GEP Annual Globalization Forum on China ’s External Economic Relations,

Working paper201112.

4.  Labor Cost and Industry Competitiveness-Theoretical Model and Empirical

Research. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2011(03).

5.  Reserch on Modern Food Logistics System and Government Function in Major Sales Regions, Zhejiang University Press,2010(06).              

6.  Pervasive Knowledge Service of Rural New Generation Labor in Major Food

Sales Regions: Issues and Strategies-Taking ZheJiang as an Example, Proceedings

of International Forum of Knowledge as a ServiceThe American Scholars Press

Inc., 2010(04). Included by CPCI-S.

7.      Labor Force Migration and Food Security in Major Food Sales Regions: Consensus or Conflict-A Case of Zhejiang, Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2010(5), Reship by Research on Agricultural Economy, Information  Center for Social Science, RUC 2010(10).

8.      Study on Food supply-demand and security in Major Food Sales Regions, Rural

Economy. 2009(03). Retrieved by Information Center for Social Science, RUC.

9.      China ’s Rural Economy: Issues and Strategies—Taking Zhejiang Food Market

Reform as Example,The First International Forum of Economic Growth and

Employment ,Capital University of Economics and Business Press,2009(06).

10.  Analysis on Food security goals and Modern logistics in Major Food Sales Regions, Agricultural Economy, 20095. Reship by CARD, Zhejiang University.

11.  Food problem in Zhejiang, Economics izvestia,200515. Retrieved by

Information Center for Social Science, RUC.

12.  Analysis of food supply fluctuation and security in Major Food Sales Regions –

Zhejiang for example. research report , adopted by Zhejiang Administration of Grain . 2010(03)

13.  Analysis of food trade interest and modern logistics in Food Sales Regions. the

annual excellent paper of Association of Chinese market.2006(04)


1.      The problem of rural labor transfer and food security in China11BGL066National Social Science fund projects, 07/2011 -12 /2013.(Project director).

2.      Research on rural labor outflow and food security coordination problem in Major Food Sales Regions10YJA630158. Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund11/2010-12/2013(Project director).

3.      Research on Modern Food Logistics System and Government Function in Major Sales.06JD630005,Special projects of Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 09/2006-12/2009, (Project director).

4.      Zhejiang New Century Higher Education Reform Project, A class project. 09/2009-05/2012, (Project director). (Project director).

5.      Service Marketing,Significant teaching materials construction projects in Zhejiang universities. Zhejiang University Press.12/2010-12/2012. (Project director).

6.      The Zhejiang food market and food security issues20030179),Zhejiang education department scientific research plan project09/2003-12/2004. (Project director).

7.      Strategic Research on Zhejiang Urban competitiveness of culture creative and business. (2009Z13)Zhejiang federation of key social science subject09/2009-10/2010(Project director).

8.      To establish a unified urban and rural labor market, realize equal employment in urban and rural.06JZD0014, Major research project of Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences,12/2006-12/2009 ( participate in).

9.      Research on Urban-rural labor market integration and realization mechanism70933001Key fund project supported by the national natural science,01/2010-12/2013 ( participate in).


1.  Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmentally and socially Sustainable


2.  CEO Compensation, Firm Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence from


3.  The 4th GEP AnnualGlobalization Forum on China ’s External Economic


4.  European Society for Population Economics(ESPE,06/2011.

5.  Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge as a Service,04/2010.

6.  The First International Forum of Economic Growth and Employment ,Capital

University, 06/2009.


Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics: 18   Xueyuan St. Xiasha, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018, P.R.China.

Tel: 0086 573 875711080086 139 571 897 90

Email: wym@zufe.edu.cn; hzwangyuemei@163.com

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