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Shuai Chen

2016年11月02日 12:52  点击:[]

College of Business Administration
Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics
Hangzhou 310018, China
2012  Ph.D., Business Administration, Zhejiang University
2006  B.A., Business Administration, Zhejiang University
2012-present  Lecture, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, China
My research areas include human resource management, organizational behavior and team dynamics. My recent focus
is on team diversity and faultlines, and team knowledge management.
 Chen*, S., Wang, D. X., Zhou, Y., Chen, Z. G., & Wu, D. Y. (under review). When too little or too much hurts:
Evidence for a curvilinear relationship between team faultlines and performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
 Chen*, S., & Wang, D. X. (2016). Way different, never work together? The moderating effects of overlapping team
tenure and transactive memory system on the relationship between informational faultlines and team learning. Acta
Psychologica Sinica (China), 48 (7), 867-879.
 Chen, S. (2016). The influence of team faultlines on team performance: Mediating effect of team transactive memory
system. Acta Psychologica Sinica (China), 48(1), 84-94.
 Chen*, S., & Ye, Y. Y. (2016). Organizational Website Characteristics and Job Seekers’ Pursuit Intention: The Role of
Organizational Trust. Human Resources Development of China (China), (3), 64-71,81.
 Wang, D. X., & Chen*, S. (2013). Does Intellectual Capital matter? High-Performance Work Systems and Bilateral
Innovative Capabilities. International Journal of Manpower, 34(8), 861-879.
 Wang, D. X., & Chen, S. (2010). Does workforce reduction actually work? A multilevel research on contextual factors.
Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) (China), (3), 156-163.
 Wang, D. X., & Chen, S. (2009).  The research on tactics and drivers of interfirm competition for talents--Based on
competitive interaction perspective. Science of Science and Management of S.& T (China), (11), 189-193.
 Wang, D. X., & Chen, S. (2009). Relationship between human capital investment and organizational performance:
Empirical study based on contingency perspective. Scientific management research (China), (2), 84-87.
 Chen*, S., & Wang, D. X. (2010). High performance work systems and organizational innovative capabilities in the
PRC: The mediating role of intellectual capital. The PICMET ’10 Proceedings.
 Wang, D. X., & Chen*, S. (2009). Human resource practices and organizational innovation performance in the PRC:
The mediating role of absorptive capacity. The International Conference on Management and Service Science, 2009.
2015-2018 National Science Foundation of China (Title: Research on the relationship between team faultlines and
bilateral innovative capabilities: A categorization-elaboration model)
2013-2016  Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Title: Exploring the formation and
development of transactive memory system in cross-functional team: A fau

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