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Fenghua Xie

2016年11月02日 12:52  点击:[]

I am an associate professor in business administration institute of Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics. My name is Fenghua Xie. Marketing and corporate management is my main research field. During my teaching experience I have been teaching the students courses, which are related to marketing and corporate management (such as marketing theory, customer behavior, corporate management, marketing research and chain management etc). In addition, I am quite proficient in operating statistical analysis software and good at carrying out the empirical study. With my endeavors and continuous study, I have hosted 8 projects of province, taken part in 2 national natural science fund projects and published more than 40 articles and 1 book.

Host and Participate in the research of Projects:

1.        (Project Number:11YJA630158)Chaired Humanities and social sciences research planning fund project of ministry of education of the people’s republic of China: study on the remedial effect mechanism and contingency model of high customer contacting services enterprise from the perspective of corporate and customer identification, 2012.1—2014.12

2.        (Project Number:20080441253)Chaired the forty-fourth batch of Chinese postdoctoral science foundation project: research on localization scale development and influence mechanism of consumers happiness, 2009.1—2010.6

3.        (Project Number:JG2010B020) Chaired the research project of Hunan province degree and postgraduate education teaching reform: Based on the comparison between China and other countries study on the training to improve the quality of the strategy and evaluation index system of master of Business Administration ( MBA ), 2010.9—2012.9

4.        (Project Number: XJK011BJG004)Presided over the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" project of Hunan provincial education and science : research on training mode characteristics, cultivation quality evaluation and training strategy of China MBA ( MBA ),2012.1—2014.12

5.         (Project Number: 2010YBB306) Presided over the philosophy social science fund project of Hunan province: research on the happiness theory and empirical example based on the perspective of consumers consumption experience, 2010.9—2012.12

6.        (Project Number:10B110)Presided over the excellent youth project of department of education of Hunan province: from the perspective of consumption experience study on the consumer happiness scale design, difference and influence mechanism, 2010.9—2012.9

7.        (Project Number:0808055B)Presided over social science achievements appraisal committee of the Hunan province philosophy project: Research on consumers' behavior in Network Environment, 2008.9—2009.12

8.        (Project Number:08YBA041)Presided over the Hunan province philosophy social science fund project: research on the theoretical and Empirical Study on the consumers' happiness, 2008.9—2009.12

9.        (Project Number:05ZC37)Chaired the Science fund projects of Hunan province: The online buying behavior research based on the perspective of consumer trust, 2005.11—2007.9

10.    (Project Number:0509027)Chaired the spark interdisciplinary research project in Xiangtan University: The reason and the result of consumer online buying behavior   based on ethics, economics and law of contract research perspective,2005.11—2008.7

11.    (Project Number:0409031)Chaired the project of Xiangtan University: The relationship between consumer trust and consumer loyalty,2004.1—2005.12

12.    (Project Number:70571071)Participated National Natural Science Foundation project: the study on the main (typical) culture, habits, social factors (the phenomenon) and its management impacting on the enterprise knowledge-sharing and integration (KSI),2006.1—2006.12

13.    (Project Number:70072025)Participated in the National Natural Science Foundation project: Study on the enterprise growth theory in the transition period, 2001.6—2005.6

14.    (Project Number:03BJL025)Participated in the National Social Science Foundation project: The research about the relationship between the enterprises integrity and corporate competitive advantage in the transition period, 2003.6—2006.4

15.    (Project Number:98A042)Participated in the Natural Science Foundation project of Hunan Province: The research on the sustainable development and consumption patterns,1999.1—2000.12

16.    (Project Number:99056C)Participated in the Hunan Province Social Science Federation project: Faced the change of expense demand in new century and the choice of expense policy,1999.1—2000.12

Published Book:

1.        Fenghua Xie, An Empirical Study of Consumer Trust. Beijing: Intellectual Property Press, 2007,8, ISBN: 978-7-80198-970-3, 240 pages

Published Articles:

1.        Xie Fenghua. The review of the dimension, and the measurement of service recovery. International garden. 2011(10): 234-235, 238. the full text t is reprinted in NPC copy ‘business leading’, 2012(1):57-59.

2.        Xie Fenghua ,Yao Xianguo.  Studying on the Factors Affecting Consumer Happiness, ICISE2009, EI compendex

3.        Gu jiajun, Xie Fenghua. Research on the Top Management Team Behavioral Integration, Strategic Decision Speed and Firm Performance towards Time-Based Competition, ICIII 2009, EI compendex

4.        Gu jiajun, Xie Fenghua. The empirical research on the domain knowledge factors influencing the effectiveness of intuition in decision making, IEEE KAM 2009, EI compendex

5.        Yanchun He, Fenghua Xie. Study on establishing the model of enterprise trust resources and sustainable competitive advantage theory. Journal of Xiangtan University, 2009(6): 63-67

6.        Xiaoke Wei, Fenghua Xie. Knowledge management processes and innovation: an empirical analysis of firms in software cluster. Int. J. Human Resources Development and Management, 2008(1/2)

7.        Fenghua Xie, Jiajun Gu. An Empirical Study on Relation of Team Cognitive Feature, Decision-making Process and Decision-making Performance. East China Economic Management,2008,(6): 88-91

8.        Fenghua Xie, Jiajun Gu. Relation of Optimized Configuration Impact Factors of TMT and the Organization Effectiveness: the Conceptual Framework Established. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2008(6): 35-39

9.        Fenghua Xie, Jiajun Gu. Differential Analysis of the dimensioncause and result of customer trust--An Empirical Study based on television purchase. Consumer Economics, 2007,3:27-31

10.    Fenghua Xie, Gongmin Bao. The study on characteristics and problems of enterprise customer relationship management--in Five Cities of Zhejiang, Jiangsu province etc. Economic Management, 2005,3:55--59

11.    Fenghua Xie, Gongmin Bao. Study on the Relation of the Integrity of Corporate and the Competitive Advantage: The Empirical Investigation of Suzhou188 Corporate in the Six Areas. Nankai Business Review, 2005,4:36-38 

12.    Fenghua Xie, Renbing Miao. Township and Village Enterprises (TVES) in the Transition Period of China : New Characteristics in Development and Policy Implications.  Problems of Agricultural Economy. 2004,9 Fenghua Xie, Gongmin Bao. Study on the Difference of Corporate Integrity--based on the empirical investigation of 188 corporations in Five Cities. Soft Science, 2004,5

13.    Fenghua Xie. Demand and Effective Marketing Operations, Consumer Economics. 2000,6

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