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Huang Chun

2017年12月06日 09:57  点击:[]

Ⅰ、Basic Information

Huang Chun(1983-), was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Graduated from the College of Public Administration of Zhejiang University, he has received a Doctor's Degree in Management in 2012,and now he is an associate professor and director of the EDP Training Center in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.

He visited National Sun Yat-Sen University and National Chung Cheng University as a visiting scholars in March--July, 2015, and took a temporary post of vice governor in Zheng’ an County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province from December 2016 to December 2017.

He researches mainly on strategic management and industrial cluster and has been published more than 20 paper in different journals, such asManagement WorldandChina Industrial Economics.He has host 1 National Natural Science Foundation projects, other 2 projects in provincial and ministerial level, and has carried out many cooperation and exchanges with Economic and Information Commission and local governments in Zhejiang province, in which periods he has hosted and participated in more or less 30 related projects.

Course:Management, Business Management, Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, Research Methods and Thesis Writing and so on.

Faculty:Department of Business Administration in College of Business Administration of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

Number: 0571-87557117(office);15888866382(phone)

Email: jasonhuang603@163.com

Address:College of Business Administration of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, No.18 of Xueyuan Street, East area of Xiasha High-education Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang.(zip code: 310018).

Research Area

In recent years, he mainly focus on the application of qualitative research technology (such as case studies, etc.) and computer simulation technology research. By collecting a large number of data about industry in the transformation and upgrading extensively when cooperating with the local governments and enterprises in Zhejiang Province, he is dedicated to providing policy recommendations in order to promote the development of local economy.

Major Research Projects that has Hosting or Participating

(1)National Natural Science Fund Youth Project, 71303209, Research on the Risk Transmission and Diffusion of Industrial Cluster and its Early Warning Mechanism,2013/01-2016/12,HOST.

(2)The Soft Subject of the Science and Technology Department in Zhejiang Province,2016C35G2140319, Research on the New Industry’s Technology Innovation Policy,2016/12-2018/12,HOST.

(3)The Project of Zhejiang Philosophy and Social Planning,18NDJC146YB, Study on the Influence of Government System Work on the Evolution of Cluster Entrepreneurship,2017/12-2019/12,HOST.

(4)The Project of Hangzhou Philosophy and Social Science,B12GL05, Research on the Construction of Modern Industrial System in Hangzhou--Based on the Interactive Development of Modern Service Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Industry,2012/06-2013/06,HOST.

(5)National Natural Science Foundation Project,71173188, Research on Cluster Enterprise Entrepreneurial Behavior and Transmission, 2012/01-2016/12, PARTICIPATE.

(6)National Natural Science Foundation Project,70973103,Research on Cluster Risk Conduction and Diffusion and its Control—Based on Focus Enterprise ,2010/01-2013/12,PARTICIPATE.

(7)National Social Science Fund Project,13BZZ054, Research on the mutual symbiosis model of city and county on the Institutional Reform of Province Manage County ,2013/07-2015/12,PARTICIPATE(Rank No.1).

(8)Yongkang Municipal Government,Implementation Plans on Creating Pilot Projects of Regional International Brand in Yongkang Hardware Cluster,2012/03-2014/06,HOST.

(9)Zhejiang Economic and Information Committee,Research on the Construction of Zhejiang Cluster Demonstration Area and Industrial Transformation and Upgrading in 2012/06-2013/06,HOST.

(10)Zhejiang Economic and Information Committee. Research on Evaluation and Countermeasure of the Industrial county (city, district) Built by Industrial Province,2012/06-2013/06,HOST.

(11)The government of Changxing County,Development Plan of New Material Industry in Huaxi Industrial Functional Zones of Changxing County,2013-2017,2014/07-2014/12,HOST.

(12)The government of Gongshu District, Hangzhou,The Construction Industry’s 13th Five-Year Development Plan of Gongshu District,2016,HOST.

(13)Yuyao City Government, Model Guest Town Planning of Yuyao City,2015,HOST. Intelligent Photoelectric Town Planning of Yuyao City,2016,HOST.

(14)Dongyang City Government,he Construction Industry’s 13th Five-Year Development Plan of Dongyang City,2016,HOST.

(15)Zeguo town government of City Wenling, 13th Five-Year Development Plan of Zeguo town, Wenling City ,2016,HOST.

(16)The 13th Five-Year Development Plan of Zhejiang Urban Development Group,2015,HOST.

(17)Zhao Shan Group,Strategic Management Consulting Project,2011.

(18)Shangyu Tobacco Sales Company, Construction and Application of Quantitative Model for Brand Cultivation,2012.

(19)Shaoxing Tobacco Bureau,Construction and Application of Information project,2014.

Representative paper and work

1. Huang Chun.Research onRisk Transmission and Diffusion of ClusterS and its Governance Mechanism[M].Zhejiang University Press. July. 2016.

2. Huang Chun, Long Haibo.Government Assistance Institutional Work, Institutional Logics and Cluster Upgrading: Research on the Cases of Yuyao and Anji Clusters Evolution.Management World.2016.NO.06(p148-166).ONLINE:


3. Huang Chun, WanYan.Evolution of network relations, enterprise learning, and cluster innovation networks: The case of the Yuyao plastics industry cluster.Technology Analysis & Strategic Management(SSCI,IF 1.095). ONLINE:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2017.1297786,2017.3.

4. Long Haibo, Huang Chun.Targeted Poverty Alleviation inDeep Poverty-stricken Areas——A Practice on Zheng’ an County,China Economic Times,2017.9. this paper was reprinted inHeadline

5. Huang Chun.Establishment of University Innovation System in the Context of Regional Industrial DevelopmentInternational Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology,2016.8.(EI:20164302929379 )

6. Huang Chun.A network capacity perspective of transmission and diffusion of cluster risk based on focal enterprises. 2013 International Forum on Computer and Information Technology. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013. 411-141.(EI:20134416922859)

7. Huang Chun, Wu Minhui.Research on Risk Transmission and Diffusion of Clusters Based on Structural Theory.2014 International Forum on Materials Processing Technology. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014.519-520, (EI:20141017436628)

8.An Exploratory Case Study on the Construction of Cluster Risk Self-organization Theory[J].China Industrial Economics.2011(2).Second Author.

9.Innovation Synergy, Innovation Network and Self-organization Evolution: A Review of Complex Product Innovation System[J].Academic forum.2012(8).Second Author.

10.Research on Complex Network Simulation of Cluster Risk and Structure Evolution[J].Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition). 2012(1).Second Author.

Ⅴ、Professional Affiliations

Industrial transformation and upgrading expert in the government of City Wenling, Zhejiang Province

PPP project expert in Haining municipal government, Zhejiang Province

Special adviser to the Development and Reform Commission of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

Off-campus supervisor in Guizhou University of Finance and Economics

Distinguished professor in Zunyi Normal University

The global development strategy of private enterprises and the cooperative innovation center of overseas investment inZhejiang University of Finance and Economics

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