卢团团(1993-),女,汉族,管理学博士。主要研究领域为应急管理、风险管理。主持国家级课题1项、省部级课题2项,在《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》、《Safety Science》、《Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment》、《Physica A》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《中国管理科学》等国内外重要期刊发表论文20余篇,出版专著1部,代表性科研成果曾获省社会科学优秀成果一等奖。2022年来浙江财经大学从事科研教学工作。
电子邮箱:lutuantuan0624@163.com; lutt@zufe.edu.cn
[1]Zhao Y,Lu T, Su W, et al. Quantitative measurement of social repulsive force in pedestrian movements based on physiological responses[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, 130: 1-20. (ABS 4, SCI/SSCI JCR Q1)
[2]Lu T,Zhu P. Effect of social distancing markers on single-file pedestrian movement during the pandemic[J]. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2024, 2024(01), 013405. (SCI JCR Q1)
[3]Zhu P,Lu T*, Chen S. How do crude oil futures hedge crude oil spot risk after the COVID-19 outbreak? A wavelet denoising-GARCHSK-SJC Copula hedge ratio estimation method [J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 607: 128217. (SCI JCR Q2)
[4]Lu T, Zhao Y, Wu P, et al. Pedestrian ascent and descent behavior characteristics during staircase evacuation under invisible conditions[J]. Safety Science, 2021, 143: 105441. (SCI JCR Q1)
[5]Lu T, Zhao Y, Wu P, et al. Dynamic analysis of single-file pedestrian movement with maintaining social distancing in times of pandemic[J]. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2021, 2021(09): 093402. (SCI JCR Q1)
[6]Zhao Y,Lu T,Fu L, et al. Experimental verification of escape efficiency enhancement by the presence of obstacles[J]. Safety Science, 2020, 122: 104517. (SCI JCR Q1)
[7]Zhao Y,Lu T, Li M, et al. The microscopic characteristics of escape behaviours from a three-dimensional lecture theatre under conditions of good and zero visibility[J]. Safety Science, 2019, 118: 641-653. (SCI JCR Q1)
[8]赵永翔,卢团团,欧忠辉著.突发事件下行人疏散行为机制及仿真研究,科学出版社, 2020.